• In modern medicine, diagnostic methods have advanced greatly, enabling medical experts to gain valuable insights into a patient’s heart health. One such diagnostic tool is the Treadmill Test. It is commonly referred to as the TMT or Exercise Stress Test. This test provides important details about a person’s heart health by observing how it responds to exercise. This comprehensive guide delves into the Treadmill Test, outlining its procedure, associated risks, and the insights it provides through its results.

    Understanding the Treadmill Test :

    The Treadmill Test, also referred to as an Exercise Stress Test, is a medical procedure intended to understand how the heart reacts to exercise. In this procedure, a patient walks on a treadmill while medical professionals closely watch their heart rate, blood pressure, and ECG patterns. The goal is to mimic the stress the heart encounters during physical activity. It helps unveil any hidden irregularities that might not show up while at rest. This mirrors the heart’s exercise-related stress, exposing potential issues not visible at rest.

    Understanding the Treadmill Test

    A Breakdown of the Procedure:


    Before the test, patients are usually asked not to eat, drink, or smoke for a certain time. They may also need to avoid certain medications that could affect the test’s accuracy. A baseline ECG and blood pressure reading are obtained while the patient is at rest.

    Equipment Setup: 

    Next, the patient is connected to an ECG machine using adhesive electrodes placed on the chest. These electrodes record the heart’s electrical activity throughout the test. A blood pressure cuff is also attached to the patient’s arm to monitor blood pressure fluctuations.

    Gradual Intensity Increase: 

    The patient begins walking on the treadmill at a slow pace. By adjusting the treadmill’s speed and incline, the intensity is gradually escalated.


    monitoring the heart rate, ECG, etc

    Throughout the test, medical professionals closely monitor the patient’s heart rate, blood pressure, ECG, and any symptoms experienced. The ECG displays any abnormal heart rhythms or changes in the heart’s electrical pattern.

    Assessing Symptoms: 

    Patients are encouraged to communicate any symptoms they encounter during the test, such as chest discomfort, shortness of breath, dizziness, or fatigue. This information is crucial in evaluating the heart’s response to stress.

    Test Conclusion: 

    Ultimately, the test concludes when the patient reaches their maximum level of exertion or if they experience intense symptoms. Additionally, the healthcare provider might stop the test if they believe it would be unsafe to continue with further testing.

    Interpreting Treadmill Stress Test Results

    The Treadmill Test results are assessed based on various factors. They include heart rate response, blood pressure changes, and any ECG abnormalities. Here are a few possible outcomes:

    1. Normal Response:

    Normal response - treadmill test

    A normal result indicates that the heart functions well during exercise. There are no noticeable shifts in the ECG pattern, indicating the heart’s electrical rhythm remains consistent. Blood pressure remains steady, demonstrating the heart’s ability to manage the body’s increased demands. Moreover, the heart rate increases in a suitable manner, demonstrating the heart’s ability to handle the effort.

    2. Positive Test: 

    A positive outcome could indicate a potential heart issue. This could be indicated by changes in the ECG pattern. There could be chest discomfort, abnormal blood pressure response, or other symptoms during the test. Besides, a positive result alone doesn’t conclusively diagnose a heart issue. Generally, more tests are required to gain a clear understanding of the situation.

    3. Inconclusive Test: 

    At times, test outcomes might not provide a clear answer. This could be due to technical problems or a lack of enough data. Then, the healthcare provider could suggest doing the test again or trying a different diagnostic approach.

    4. False-Negative: 

    Occasionally, a person with heart disease might have a normal Treadmill Test result, leading to a false-negative outcome. This can happen if the disease isn’t severe enough to cause noticeable changes during the test. Besides, it could also be due to if the test itself doesn’t accurately reflect the person’s heart condition. This emphasizes the need to factor in various elements. 

    Risks and Precautions to understand before a Treadmill Stress Test

    While the Treadmill Test is generally safe, there are specific risks and precautions to consider:

    Cardiac Events: 

    cardiac events - treadmill test

    In rare cases, the stress imposed on the heart during the test might trigger cardiac events like a heart attack or arrhythmias (heart rhythm irregularities). Nevertheless, medical professionals and equipment are available to manage such situations promptly.

    Physical Strain during the Treadmill Stress Test: 

    The test can be physically demanding, especially for individuals not accustomed to consistent exercise. Patients should inform their healthcare provider of any existing health conditions before undergoing the test. This helps the medical team adjust the test correctly and keep the patient safe during the procedure.


    As the test is designed to stress the heart, it might cause some discomfort. The patient could experience symptoms like chest pain, fatigue, or shortness of breath. It’s vital to tell the medical team about these symptoms. They can address them quickly and ensure safety and accurate results.

    Equipment Malfunction: 

    While not common, there is a possibility of technical issues arising in the monitoring equipment. These malfunctions could potentially affect the accuracy of the test results.

    In Conclusion

    The Treadmill Test, also known as TMT, is a valuable diagnostic tool used to assess cardiovascular health and understand how the heart responds to stress. It plays a crucial role in helping healthcare professionals make informed decisions about a person’s heart health. 

    concluding the treadmill stress test

    Through vigilant monitoring of heart rate, blood pressure, and ECG during exercise, medical professionals gain insights into potential heart-related issues. Ensuring the safety of the test is of the greatest importance. It’s vital to inform the medical team about existing health conditions and symptoms. The results of the TMT provide a foundation for further assessment. If necessary, these results help decide on potential treatments.

    With the progress of medical technology, the Treadmill Test retains its significance in cardiology. This test remains a fundamental element that adds to our knowledge and care of the crucial organ, the heart. Its importance endures in the realm of cardiac care. As we move forward, the Treadmill Test remains integral to advancing heart health knowledge.

    Read Also: Treadmill Checklist: 10 Points to Consider Before You Buy Treadmill

  • We find ourselves in a world where fitness and well-being have become the focal point. The treadmill has become an essential fixture for individuals at all fitness levels, whether newcomers or experienced enthusiasts.

    Thanks to its convenience and adaptability, the treadmill has gained widespread popularity as a preferred option for home exercise routines. Whether you’re a seasoned athlete or just starting your fitness journey, choosing to incorporate a treadmill into your home can prove to be a prudent choice.

    However, the process of buying a treadmill goes beyond a simple purchase; it’s an investment in your health and fitness journey. With a multitude of options available, each boasting various features and capabilities, it’s essential to approach this decision with careful consideration. There are several essential factors to consider to ensure you choose the right treadmill that meets your fitness goals and lifestyle requirements. 

    This guide delves into the key aspects you should weigh before you buy a treadmill, ensuring that your choice aligns with your fitness goals and sets you on a path to success.

    1. Space and Size

    One of the first considerations when purchasing a treadmill is the available space in your home. Measure the area where you plan to place the treadmill and compare it with the dimensions of the treadmill models you are interested in. Ensure that there is ample room for the cardio fitness

    equipment and additional space for you to comfortably walk or run around it. 

    Space-saving treadmills

    Foldable treadmills can be a great space-saving option if you have limited space but make sure to check the dimensions when folded as well. If you struggle with a lack of room in your home, treadmills that fold up and are small enough to fit under your bed or desk are always the best choice.

    2. Budget

    Treadmills come in a wide range of prices, so it’s essential to set a budget before beginning your search. Understanding your budget guides you in selecting an affordable fitness equipment tailored to your needs, avoiding unnecessary expenses. Yet, serious runners or those desiring advanced programs may find value in investing more for enhanced capabilities.

    It’s also worth considering the long-term benefits of a quality treadmill. While you might save money upfront with a cheaper model, it may wear out quickly or lack the durability needed for consistent use. 

    3. Types of Treadmills

    There are generally three types of treadmills available: manual, motorized, and hybrid.

    Manual treadmill

    Manual treadmills are powered by the user’s movement and are more affordable but may lack advanced features. 

    motorized treadmill

    Motorized treadmills, on the other hand, are powered by an electric motor and offer various programmable options and incline settings. 

    Hybrid treadmills are a combination of both, allowing users to switch between manual and motorized operation. Consider your fitness level, budget, and desired features when choosing the type of treadmill that best suits your needs.

    4. Weight Capacity and Durability

    Check the weight capacity before you buy treadmill to ensure it can support your body weight and intensity of workouts. A sturdy and durable frame is crucial for long-lasting performance, especially if multiple family members will be using the treadmill. Opt for a treadmill with a higher weight capacity than your current weight to allow for any potential weight changes in the future.

    5. Motor Power

    The motor is the heart of a motorized treadmill, and its power determines the treadmill’s performance. For walking and light jogging, a motor with a lower horsepower (around 1.5 to 2.5 HP) should suffice. However, if you plan on running or are a heavier user, consider a treadmill with a more powerful motor (around 2.5 to 4.0 HP). A stronger motor will ensure smooth operation and prevent excessive wear and tear.

    6. Incline and Speed Options

    incline and speed

    The ability to adjust incline and speed levels on a treadmill can significantly enhance your workouts. Incline settings simulate uphill running, targeting different muscle groups and increasing calorie burn. Look for quality fitness equipment with automatic incline adjustments and a wide range of speed settings to cater to various fitness goals.

    7. Shock Absorption

    Running or walking on a treadmill with poor shock absorption can lead to discomfort and potential injuries over time. Quality treadmills come with cushioned decks that reduce impact and protect your joints. Consider to buy treadmill with excellent shock absorption technology to make your workouts more comfortable and reduce the risk of strain on your knees and joints.

    8. Workout Programs and Connectivity

    Many modern treadmills come with pre-programmed workout routines that provide variety and challenge in your exercise regime. Some treadmills also offer connectivity features such as Bluetooth and compatibility with fitness apps, allowing you to track your progress and participate in virtual training sessions. If these features are important to you, look for a treadmill with advanced workout programs and the technology you prefer.

    9. Noise Level

    Treadmills can produce varying levels of noise during operation, and this may be a crucial factor, especially if you live in an apartment or have noise-sensitive neighbors. Quiet motors and quality construction can help reduce noise levels. Read customer reviews and consider trying out the treadmill in-store, if possible, to assess its noise level.

    10. Warranty and Customer Support

    Investing in a treadmill is a significant decision, so make sure to check the warranty offered by the manufacturer. A longer warranty period indicates the manufacturer’s confidence in the treadmill’s quality. Additionally, research the brand’s reputation for customer support, as it can make a difference if you encounter any issues or need assistance down the road after you buy the treadmill .


    Choosing the right treadmill is a vital step in creating an effective and enjoyable home fitness routine. By considering factors such as space, budget, type, motor power, shock absorption, and workout programs, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your fitness goals and lifestyle. Remember to take your time, do thorough research, and read customer reviews to ensure that the treadmill you choose will be a valuable investment in your health and wellness journey. Happy treadmill hunting and best of luck on your path to a fitter and healthier you!

  • Treadmills have become an omnipresent sight in gyms and homes and one of the best fitness equipment. They offer a convenient and effective way to stay fit. With the ever-rising popularity of Treadmills in the fitness domain, there have also arisen some common myths about treadmills. The importance of looking after one’s health has been increasing over the years. Though most people wish to stay fit, some aren’t able to completely utilize the marvel that is- a treadmill- to its potential due to common misconceptions they have about treadmills

    It is imperative to bust these myths about treadmills and move past them in order to take complete advantage of the benefits of a treadmill and hoist your fitness to the next level. 

    Myths about treadmills busted

    This article will help you take charge of your fitness as we debunk common treadmill myths to shed light on the reality behind the misconceptions and wield it for your betterment.

    From concerns about joint impact to the belief that treadmills are monotonous, we will unravel the truth and provide a clearer understanding of why treadmills remain a valuable tool in achieving fitness goals. 

    Let’s separate fact from fiction and discover the truth behind these treadmill myths.

    Myth 1: Treadmills are Only for Running

    While running is a popular form of exercise on treadmills, these machines offer a versatile platform for a wide range of workouts.

    Walking, brisk walking, jogging, hill climbs, interval training, and even strength training exercises like lunges and squats can be performed effectively on a treadmill.

    Treadmills aren't only for running

    Some treadmills also come equipped with incline and decline options, simulating uphill and downhill terrains, which can intensify your workout and engage different muscle groups. This flexibility makes treadmills suitable for people of various fitness levels and exercise preferences.

    Myth 2: Treadmills are Boring and Monotonous

    One of the most prevalent myths about treadmills is that they are dull and repetitive. 

    While it’s true that running or walking on a treadmill can lack the scenery of an outdoor workout, modern treadmills come equipped with a variety of features to keep users engaged. Many models now include interactive displays with virtual courses, fitness apps, and entertainment options, making the experience more enjoyable and engaging.

    Moreover, using a treadmill indoors provides a controlled environment, which can be advantageous in extreme weather conditions, ensuring you can maintain your exercise routine regardless of external factors.

    Myth 3: Holding Onto the Treadmill Handrails is Safe

    One of the most dangerous misconceptions is that holding onto the treadmill handrails provides additional support and stability during the workout. 

    In reality, this habit can compromise your posture, reduce calorie burn, and increase the risk of injury.

    Holding onto the treadmill isn't safe

    When using a treadmill, it is essential to maintain proper form by swinging your arms naturally and engaging your core for balance. This will not only help you burn more calories but also reduce strain on your upper body and promote a more efficient workout.

    Myth 4: Treadmills are Hard on the Joints

    Concerns about the impact on joints while using a treadmill are commonly cited as a reason to avoid this fitness equipment. However, treadmills are designed to provide cushioning and shock absorption to reduce the impact on your joints compared to running on concrete or asphalt outdoors.

    Furthermore, many modern treadmills have adjustable cushioning systems that allow users to customize the level of shock absorption according to their comfort and joint health. By choosing the right treadmill and using proper footwear, the risk of joint discomfort can be minimized, making it a safe and effective option for many individuals.

    Myth 5: Treadmills are Less Effective than Outdoor Running

    Comparing treadmill running to outdoor running is a common debate, and some believe that outdoor running is more effective. 

    However, research has shown that treadmill running can offer similar cardiovascular benefits and calorie burn as outdoor running, provided you set the treadmill to a 1% incline.

    Treadmills aren't less effective than running outdoors

    Treadmills also provide a consistent surface and pace, making it easier to maintain a steady workout, whereas outdoor running might be impacted by changes in terrain and weather conditions. Ultimately, the effectiveness of running on a treadmill or outdoors depends on individual preference and fitness goals.

    Myth 6: Treadmills are Expensive and Require High Maintenance

    While high-end treadmills can be pricey, there are plenty of budget-friendly options available that still offer quality workouts and essential features. Additionally, investing in a treadmill can be cost-effective in the long run, as it eliminates the need for a gym membership and allows you to exercise at your convenience.

    As for maintenance, regular cleaning and simple treadmill care are usually sufficient to keep the machine in good working condition. Lubricating the belt, tightening screws, and wiping down the console are simple tasks that can extend the life of your treadmill without significant effort or expense.

    Myth 7: Working out on a Treadmill Alone is a Complete Workout

    yoga as an alternate form of exercise

    Many people believe that running or walking on a treadmill for a certain amount of time is all they need to maintain good health and fitness. 

    However, this perception is a myth. While treadmills can be a valuable tool in your fitness routine, relying solely on them for exercise may lead to imbalances and limitations. 

    Working out on a treadmill alone does not allow you to reach the crest of good health nor is it a complete workout. Discover alternate forms of workout such as cycling, strength training, yoga, etc. to achieve a more well-rounded fitness regimen.

    Myth 8: Treadmills are Not Suitable for Older Adults

    One of the chief myths about treadmills is that treadmills are not appropriate for older adults, as they might be too strenuous or risky. However, when used correctly and with proper supervision, treadmills can be an excellent fitness tool for seniors.

    Moderate walking or gentle jogging on a treadmill can provide numerous health benefits for older individuals, such as improving cardiovascular health, maintaining joint flexibility, and enhancing overall mobility. Treadmills offer a controlled and stable surface, reducing the risk of falls and injuries that might occur outdoors.

    For older adults who may have balance issues or difficulty with regular outdoor walking, the handrails on treadmills can provide additional support and confidence during workouts. Seniors can start at a comfortable pace and gradually increase their intensity as they build strength and stamina.


    Treadmills have become an essential fitness tool for countless individuals seeking a convenient and effective way to exercise indoors. By debunking the common myths about treadmills, we can better appreciate their benefits and make informed decisions about incorporating them into our fitness routines.

    Myths about treadmills debunked

    Remember that like any home fitness equipment, using treadmills safely and effectively requires proper form. By debunking the myths about treadmills can use the fitness equipment to its complete capacity. Remember to understand its features, and listen to your body’s needs. Whether you prefer the controlled environment of a treadmill or the open roads of outdoor running, the key is to find an exercise routine that you enjoy and can stick to in the long run for a healthier and happier lifestyle.

  • When it comes to shedding those extra pounds and achieving your weight loss goals, a treadmill can be your trusty ally. With its convenience and versatility, a treadmill allows you to engage in effective workouts even within a tight schedule. In this blog, we present the best 20-minute treadmill workout for weight loss that will boost your metabolism, burn calories, and help you on your journey to.

    1. HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) Workout:

    HIIT Workout for weight loss

    High-Intensity Interval Training is a proven method for burning fat and increasing cardiovascular fitness. The basic principle of HIIT is to push your body to work at maximum effort during the intense intervals, followed by a short recovery period to allow your heart rate to come down. 

    This cycle is repeated several times within a workout session, typically lasting anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes, making it ideal for people with busy schedules who may struggle to find time for longer workouts.

     Here’s a simple 20-minute HIIT treadmill workout:

    • Warm up with a brisk walk for 3 minutes.
    • Sprint at maximum effort for 30 seconds.
    • Recover with a slow walk or jog for 1 minute.
    • Repeat the sprint and recovery intervals for a total of 5 sets.
    • Cool down with an easy walk for 2 minutes.

    2. Incline Intervals:

    Incorporating incline into your treadmill workout engages more muscles and burns additional calories.  By adjusting the incline levels, you can simulate walking or running uphill, which significantly increases the effort required from your lower body muscles and cardiovascular system.

    This workout focuses on varying incline levels to challenge your body:

    • Begin with a 3-minute warm-up at a comfortable walking pace.
    • Set the incline to 5% and walk at a brisk pace for 2 minutes.
    • Increase the incline to 10% and walk for 1 minute.
    • Lower the incline back to 0% and jog or walk briskly for 2 minutes.
    • Repeat the incline intervals for one more round.
    • Cool down with a 2-minute easy walk.

    3. Pyramid Run:

    Pyramid run treadmill workout for weight loss

    The pyramid run is a treadmill workout that involves gradually increasing and then decreasing the intensity in a pyramid-like fashion. This type of workout keeps your body guessing by constantly changing the challenge level, which can lead to greater calorie burn and fitness gains. The pyramid run is an effective way to add variety to your treadmill workouts and prevent plateauing.

    • Warm up with a 4-minute jog at a moderate pace.
    • Increase the speed every minute for the next 5 minutes until you reach your maximum running speed.
    • Decrease the speed every minute for the next 5 minutes, gradually returning to your starting pace.
    • Finish the workout by running at your starting pace for one more minute.
    • Cool down with a 2-minute walk at an easy pace.

    4. Steady-State Endurance:

    Steady-state cardio helps burn calories consistently throughout your workout, making it ideal for weight loss.

    Whether you’re walking, jogging, cycling, or using a cardio machine like an elliptical or rowing machine, the key is to keep your heart rate elevated at a comfortable and consistent level throughout the workout.

    • Warm up with a 5-minute walk or light jog to get your heart rate up.
    • Run at a steady pace that challenges you for 18 minutes.
    • Aim to maintain the same speed throughout the workout.
    • Cool down with a 2-minute slow walk.

    5. Power Walking Circuit:

    Power-walking circuit workout for weight loss

    This workout combines brisk walking with bodyweight exercises to target multiple muscle groups and boost your metabolism. The power walking form of exercise is characterized by continuous, rhythmic movements that elevate your heart rate to a moderate level and keep it relatively stable throughout the workout. 

    • Warm up with a 3-minute brisk walk.
    • Stop the treadmill and perform 10 squats.
    • Resume walking and increase the speed for 3 minutes.
    • Stop the treadmill again and do 10 push-ups.
    • Continue alternating between brisk walking and bodyweight exercises for lunges, tricep dips, and planks.
    • Finish with a 2-minute cool-down walk.

    Embrace the Journey to a Fitter and Healthier You!

    Incorporating these best 20-minute treadmill workout into your fitness routine will rev up your weight loss journey. Remember to stay consistent, challenge yourself, and listen to your body. Combine this series of workout for weight loss with a balanced diet, adequate hydration, and sufficient rest to optimize your results. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new exercise program, especially if you have any pre-existing health conditions. With dedication and determination, you can achieve your weight loss goals and embrace a healthier, more active lifestyle.

  • In the ever-evolving world of fitness, there is a constant search for effective and time-efficient workout routines. One such routine that has gained popularity in recent years is the 12-3-30 treadmill workout. Created by social media influencer Lauren Giraldo, this simple yet effective workout promises to deliver impressive results in just 30 minutes. In this blog post, we will delve into the details of the 12-3-30 workout, its benefits, and how you can incorporate it into your fitness routine.

    What is the 12-3-30 Workout?

    The 12-3-30 workout is a cardiovascular routine that combines walking on an incline, specifically a treadmill, with specific time and speed parameters. 

    The workout gets its name from the three key components: 12% incline, 3 mph speed, and 30 minutes duration. This unique combination is designed to elevate your heart rate, burn calories, and improve overall fitness.

    Benefits of the 12-3-30 Workout

    1. Time efficiency: 

    The 12-3-30 workout is perfect for those with a busy lifestyle. With just 30 minutes, you can get a complete cardiovascular workout that effectively burns calories and strengthens your cardiovascular system.

    2. Lower impact:

     Unlike high-intensity workouts that put stress on your joints and muscles, the 12-3-30 workout is low-impact. The incline and moderate speed reduce the impact on your knees and ankles, making it suitable

    for people of various fitness levels.

    Lower-impact treadmill workout

    3. Calorie burning: 

    Walking on an incline and maintaining a speed of 3 mph can significantly increase your calorie burn. The combination of incline and speed forces your body to work harder, resulting in a higher calorie expenditure compared to traditional flat-surface walking.

    4. Cardiovascular health: 

    Regular participation in the 12-3-30 workout can improve your cardiovascular fitness by strengthening your heart and lungs. The elevated heart rate during the workout helps increase endurance and overall cardiovascular health.

    How to Perform the 12-3-30 Workout

    Performing the 12-3-30 workout is relatively simple, but let’s delve into each step to provide you with a more comprehensive understanding of the process:

    1. Warm-up:

    Before jumping into the main workout, it’s important to warm up your muscles and prepare your body for exercise. Start with a 5-minute warm-up by walking at a comfortable pace on a flat surface. This helps increase blood flow, raises your body temperature, and loosens up your joints.

    2. Set the treadmill:

    Once you’re warmed up, it’s time to set up the treadmill to the specific parameters of the 12-3-30 workout. Adjust the incline to 12% and the speed to 3 mph. This combination of incline and speed is crucial for the effectiveness of the workout.

    3. Start walking:

    starting the 12-3-30 treadmill workout with walking

    Step onto the treadmill and begin walking at the set incline and speed. As you start, focus on maintaining good posture by standing tall with your shoulders relaxed and your gaze straight ahead. Engage your core muscles to stabilize your body throughout the workout. Take smooth strides, landing on your heel and rolling through to your toes.

    4. Monitor your heart rate:

    If you have a heart rate monitor, it can be helpful to keep an eye on your heart rate during the workout. The goal is to elevate your heart rate to a moderate level without pushing it to the extreme. This ensures you’re getting a cardiovascular workout without overexerting yourself. Aim for a heart rate that allows you to carry on a conversation comfortably while still feeling challenged.

    5. Duration:

    The prescribed duration for the 12-3-30 workout is 30 minutes. Walk at the set incline and speed for the entire duration. As you progress and build endurance, you can gradually increase the duration of the workout. However, 30 minutes is a good starting point for most individuals.

    6. Cooldown:

    Cooldown after 12-3-30 treadmill workout

    After completing the 30-minute workout, it’s important to cool down and allow your body to gradually transition back to a resting state. Spend 5 minutes walking at a slower pace, gradually reducing the speed. This cooldown period helps lower your heart rate, prevents dizziness, and promotes proper recovery.

    Remember to listen to your body throughout the workout. If you experience any discomfort or excessive fatigue, it’s essential to adjust the intensity or consult with a fitness professional.

    Incorporating the 12-3-30 Workout into Your Fitness Routine 

    The 12-3-30 workout can be easily incorporated into your existing fitness routine or used as a standalone workout. Here are a few ways you can integrate it:

    1. Standalone workout: 

    If you’re short on time or looking for a quick but effective workout, the treadmill workout routine is perfect on its own. Simply set aside 30 minutes and commit to performing the workout several times a week.

    2. Cardiovascular training: 

    Use the 12-3-30 workout as a part of your cardiovascular training regimen. Alternate it with other forms of cardio exercises like cycling or swimming to keep your workouts varied and engaging.

    3. Active recovery: 

    Active recovery from 12-3-30 treadmill workout

    On your rest days or days when you want to give your body a break from intense workouts, the 12-3-30 routine can serve as a gentle yet effective active recovery workout.

    Embrace the 12-3-30 Workout and Walk Towards a Healthier You!

    The 12-3-30 workout has gained popularity for its simplicity, efficiency, and effectiveness. By combining incline walking with specific time and speed parameters, this routine offers numerous benefits, including calorie burning, cardiovascular health improvement, and time efficiency. Whether you’re a fitness enthusiast or a beginner looking to kick-start your fitness journey, the 12-3-30 workout is worth considering. So, lace up your shoes, hop on a treadmill, and start walking your way to a healthier and fitter you with the 12-3-30 workout.

  • Running is a popular form of exercise that offers numerous health benefits, such as improved cardiovascular fitness, weight management, and stress reduction. Whether you prefer the controlled environment of a treadmill or the natural surroundings of outdoor running, both options have their own set of advantages and disadvantages. We’ll examine the advantages and disadvantages of each ie. running on treadmill vs outside in this blog post to provide you with the information you need to decide based on your interests and goals.

    Treadmill Running: Embracing the Indoors

    The treadmill, a stationary exercise machine equipped with a moving belt, provides a convenient and controlled environment for running. Here are some pros and cons of choosing the treadmill:

    A. Pros:

    1) Controlled pace and monitoring: 

    Treadmills allow you to set and maintain a specific pace with precision. This can be advantageous for interval training or when aiming to hit specific time or distance goals. Additionally, most modern treadmills come equipped with built-in heart rate monitors and other tracking features, providing real-time data on your workout intensity and progress.

    2) Accessibility and convenience: 

    Treadmills offer convenience and accessibility, especially for those with busy schedules or limited access to safe outdoor running routes. With a treadmill at home or at a gym, you can easily fit in a run regardless of the weather or time constraints.

    3) Multi-tasking: 

    multitasking while running on treadmill vs outside

    Running on a treadmill provides an opportunity to multitask. You can catch up on your favorite TV shows, listen to audiobooks or podcasts, or even work on your laptop while running. This can make your workout time more productive and enjoyable.

    4) Rehabilitation and recovery: 

    Another major advantage while we weigh on running on treadmill vs outside, is that treadmills are often used in physical therapy and rehabilitation settings. The controlled environment allows for gradual progression and targeted exercises for individuals recovering from injuries or surgeries. Treadmill running can aid in restoring mobility and strength while minimizing the risk of re-injury.

    5) Reduced impact on joints: 

    While comparing running on treadmill vs outside, treadmills often have shock absorption features, such as cushioned surfaces, that help reduce the impact on your joints compared to running on harder outdoor surfaces like concrete or asphalt. This might be especially helpful for people who have joint problems or are recuperating from injuries.

    B. Cons:

    1) Monotony of Running on Treadmill Vs Outside: 

    Running on a treadmill can sometimes feel monotonous due to the repetitive motion and the lack of changing scenery. This can make longer runs feel more mentally challenging and less engaging compared to outdoor running.

    2) Less variation in terrain: 

    Monotony of Running on Treadmill Vs Outside

    Running on treadmill vs outside generally provides a flat and consistent surface, which may not adequately simulate the diverse terrain found in outdoor environments. Running on different surfaces like grass, sand, or hills can engage different muscle groups and add variety to your training.

    3) Lack of fresh air and sunlight: 

    While treadmills offer climate control, they can’t replicate the fresh air and natural sunlight that you experience when running outdoors. Exercising in nature has been shown to boost mood and provide a sense of connection to the environment, which some people find uplifting and invigorating.

    Outdoor Running: Embracing Nature’s Path

    Outdoor running allows you to immerse yourself in nature’s beauty while enjoying the freedom of exploring different routes. Let’s explore the advantages and disadvantages of running outdoors:

    A. Pros:

    1) Natural variations in terrain: 

    Unlike treadmills, outdoor running exposes you to natural variations in terrain. Whether you’re running on trails, through parks, or along the beach, the uneven surfaces engage different muscles and challenge your balance and stability. This can lead to improved strength and proprioception.

    2) Mental rejuvenation: 

    Another important merit that we discover when comparing running on treadmill vs outside is that running in natural surroundings can have a profound effect on your mental well-being. The beauty of nature, the fresh air, and the absence of artificial stimuli can help reduce stress levels, boost mood, and increase feelings of happiness and relaxation 

    3) Sense of accomplishment: 

    Accomplishment in running on treadmill vs outside

    Outdoor running often offers a sense of exploration and adventure. Conquering new routes, discovering scenic trails, or reaching a milestone in a specific outdoor race can provide a tremendous sense of accomplishment and fulfillment.

    4) Enhanced cognitive benefits: 

    Studies have shown that outdoor exercise, including running, can have a positive impact on cognitive function. The combination of physical activity and exposure to natural environments improves attention, concentration, and overall mental performance.

    5) Connection with the community: 

    Community connection

    Outdoor running provides opportunities to connect with other runners and the local community. Participating in group runs, charity races, or local running events can create a sense of camaraderie, support, and motivation. It’s a chance to meet fellow enthusiasts and share your passion for running.

    Remember, every runner is unique, and what works for one person may not work for another. It’s essential to consider your personal preferences, fitness level, goals, and any limitations you may have before deciding between treadmills and outdoor running. You can always experiment with both and find a balance that suits your needs. Ultimately, the most important thing is to enjoy your running experience and stay safe while pursuing your fitness goals.

    B. Cons:

    1) Weather limitations of Running on Treadmill Vs Outside: 

    Outdoor running is subject to the whims of weather conditions. Extreme heat, cold, rain, or snow can make running uncomfortable or unsafe. In such cases, you might need to modify your route, and timing, or wear appropriate gear, which can sometimes be inconvenient.

    2) Potential hazards: 

    Potential hazards

    Running outdoors comes with potential risks such as uneven terrain, traffic, and encounters with wildlife. It’s essential to choose safe routes, wear reflective clothing when running at night, and remain vigilant to ensure your personal safety.

    3) Impact on joints: 

    Compared to treadmills, outdoor running can place more stress on your joints due to harder surfaces like concrete or asphalt. It is important to choose proper footwear and gradually increase your mileage to minimize the risk of overuse injuries.

    Striking a Balance: Finding Your Perfect Running Mix

    In conclusion, the debate between running on treadmill vs outside ultimately comes down to personal preference and individual circumstances. Both options have their own set of advantages and disadvantages. Treadmill running provides convenience, climate control, and customizable features, while outdoor running offers the joys of nature, varying terrains, and a sense of exploration.

    finding the perfect mix in running on treadmill vs outside

    Instead of choosing one over the other, many runners find that incorporating both treadmill and outdoor running into their routine provides a well-rounded and enjoyable running experience. Remember, the most important thing is to find a form of running that you enjoy and can sustain in the long run, ensuring a healthier and happier you.

  • In the pursuit of a healthy lifestyle, cardio workouts have emerged as a quintessential component. These invigorating exercises not only enhance cardiovascular endurance but also elevate mood, burn calories, and contribute to overall fitness. From exhilarating dance routines to outdoor adventures, cardio workouts offer a diverse range of options to suit individual preferences. In this blog, we will explore the world of cardio workouts, unveiling their fun and effective nature, and how they can be harnessed to boost fitness.

    Energize Your Fitness Journey with these 7 Effective and Fun Workouts

    Now that we’ve delved into the exciting world of cardio workouts, let’s explore some of the most popular and effective exercises that can inject fun and energy into your fitness routine. From dance cardio that lets you unleash your inner dancer to high-intensity interval training that pushes your limits, these workouts are designed to elevate your heart rate, strengthen your body, and ignite your passion for fitness. Get ready to embark on a journey of exhilarating exercises that will boost your endurance, burn calories, and bring a new level of enjoyment to your fitness journey.

    1) Dance Cardio: Let the Rhythm Move You!

    dance cardio

    Dancing has always been a celebration of joy and expression. With dance cardio, it becomes a powerful tool for fitness. Whether it’s Zumba, hip-hop, or Latin-inspired routines, dance cardio workouts infuse energy and enthusiasm into every step. By combining pulsating music, dynamic choreography, and full-body movements, these workouts effectively raise the heart rate, strengthen muscles, and improve coordination. Dance cardio is not only a fabulous way to burn calories but also a thrilling way to let loose and have fun.

    2) High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT): Short Bursts of Intensity

    For those seeking maximum results in minimal time, HIIT workouts provide an ideal solution. HIIT alternates intense bursts of exercise with short recovery periods, keeping the body in a constant state of challenge. Whether it’s sprinting, cycling, or bodyweight exercises, HIIT elevates the heart rate, ignites the metabolism, and improves cardiovascular fitness. The beauty of HIIT lies in its flexibility, as it can be customized to any fitness level. With just a few intense minutes, HIIT workouts deliver outstanding results, making them efficient and time-effective.

    3) Cycling: Pedal Your Way to Fitness


    Embracing the great outdoors while engaging in a cardio workout is an exhilarating experience, and cycling offers just that. Whether on a mountain trail or a city street, cycling allows individuals to explore scenic landscapes while reaping the benefits of a low-impact cardio exercise. Pedaling engages major muscle groups, strengthens the legs, and enhances endurance. Additionally, cycling is a fantastic way to reduce stress and improve mental well-being, creating a harmonious balance between physical exertion and enjoyment of nature.

    4) Swimming: Dive Into Total Body Fitness


    When it comes to cardio workouts, swimming is often overlooked. However, this low-impact exercise provides a full-body workout that is both gentle on the joints and highly effective. Swimming engages all major muscle groups, from the arms and shoulders to the legs and core. It increases lung capacity, builds endurance, and enhances cardiovascular health. Additionally, the water’s buoyancy provides a soothing and calming effect, making swimming a wonderful stress-relieving activity. Dive into the pool and discover the refreshing world of swimming for a truly invigorating workout.

    5) Kickboxing: Unleash Your Inner Warrior


    For those who crave a cardio workout with a punch, kickboxing offers a dynamic and empowering experience. This martial arts-inspired exercise combines kicks, punches, and knee strikes to sculpt muscles, boost cardiovascular endurance, and improve overall fitness.

    Not only does kickboxing provide a high-intensity cardio workout, but it also enhances self-defense skills and promotes self-confidence. Through the combination of explosive movements and rhythmic sequences, kickboxing strengthens the entire body while improving flexibility and coordination. It serves as a fantastic outlet for releasing stress and tension, allowing individuals to channel their inner warrior and unleash their full potential.

    6) Circuit Training: Versatility and Variety

    Circuit training is a versatile and dynamic approach to cardio workouts that keeps the body constantly challenged. It involves a series of exercises performed consecutively, targeting different muscle groups while maintaining an elevated heart rate. Whether using bodyweight exercises, resistance bands, or gym equipment, circuit training offers endless possibilities for customization. This variety not only keeps the workout exciting but also ensures continuous progress and prevents plateaus. Circuit training is an effective way to improve cardiovascular fitness, build strength, and burn calories while never getting bored.

    7) Outdoor Adventures: Nature as Your Gym

    Outdoor cardio workouts

    Cardio workouts don’t have to be confined to a gym or studio. Engaging in outdoor activities can be both refreshing and invigorating. Activities such as hiking, trail running, kayaking, and even playing a game of basketball or soccer with friends provide excellent opportunities to get the heart pumping and improve fitness levels. The ever-changing terrain and elements challenge the body in unique ways, enhancing endurance, agility, and overall physical capabilities. Experiencing the beauty of nature while reaping the benefits of cardio exercise creates a harmonious connection between the mind, body, and environment.

    Embrace the Thrill of Cardio Workouts and Transform Your Fitness Journey

    Cardio workouts offer a plethora of options to make fitness fun, engaging, and effective. From dance cardio to outdoor adventures, each exercise brings its unique flavor while delivering outstanding benefits for cardiovascular health, calorie burn, and overall fitness improvement. The key is to find activities that resonate with individual interests and preferences, ensuring a sustainable and enjoyable fitness journey.

    Cardio workouts

    So, lace up your dancing shoes, grab a jump rope, or hit the cycling trails—discover the joy of cardio workouts and unlock a world of fitness possibilities. Embrace the fun, the challenge, and the transformation that comes with each exhilarating cardio session. Your heart will thank you, your body will thrive, and your fitness goals will become a reality as you embark on this exciting journey toward a healthier, fitter, and more vibrant you.

  • cardio workout

    When it comes to cardio workouts, HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) and LISS (Low-Intensity Steady State) are two popular options that offer distinct benefits. Understanding the differences between HIIT and LISS can help you choose the workout that aligns with your fitness goals, preferences, and fitness level. In this blog, we will explore the characteristics of two important cardio workout regimes ie. HIIT and LISS, including intensity levels, duration, cardiovascular benefits, and suitability for different individuals. By the end, you will have a comprehensive understanding of these two workout methods, enabling you to make an informed decision for optimal fitness results.

    1) Understanding HIIT

    High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is a form of cardio workout characterized by short bursts of intense exercise followed by brief periods of rest or low-intensity activity. HIIT sessions typically last 10 to 30 minutes, including warm-up and cool-down periods.

    A. Definition and Structure:

    HIIT involves alternating between high-intensity intervals and recovery periods. In this form of cardio workout, you push yourself to your maximum effort level during intense intervals, followed by short periods of rest or low-intensity exercise.

    B. Intensity Levels:

    intense cardio workout

    HIIT is known for its high intensity, where you engage in exercises that demand significant effort and energy. The goal is to elevate your heart rate to around 80-95% of your maximum heart rate with the help of this cardio workout.

    C. Physiology and Cardiovascular Benefits:

    HIIT promotes improvements in cardiovascular fitness, endurance, and athletic performance. It strengthens your heart, increases lung capacity, and enhances oxygen utilization. It also stimulates adaptations such as increased production of mitochondria, improved muscle fiber recruitment, and the release of growth hormone and testosterone.

    Examples of HIIT (cardio workouts):

    1) HIIT Workout: 

    Perform 30 seconds of high-intensity exercises such as burpees, followed by 10 seconds of rest. Repeat this cycle for 5 minutes.

    2) Hill Repeats:

    Hill repeats

    Set the treadmill at a moderate incline (e.g., 4-6%). Run or power walk uphill for 2 minutes, then recover with a 1-minute flat or downhill walk or jog. Repeat for 5-8 repetitions.

    3) Speed Pyramid: 

    Start with a warm-up at a comfortable pace. Then, increase your treadmill’s speed every minute for 5 minutes until you reach a challenging pace. Hold that pace for 1-2 minutes before gradually decreasing your speed back to a comfortable pace for a 5-minute cooldown.

    2) Unpacking LISS

    Low-Intensity Steady State (LISS) workouts are a type of cardio workout that involves maintaining a steady, moderate-intensity level of exercise for an extended duration.

    A. Definition and Structure:

    LISS workouts keep your heart rate within a moderate range for an extended period. These cardio workouts involve exercises like brisk walking, cycling at a moderate pace, or swimming.

    B. Intensity Levels:

    liss workout

    This kind of cardio workout aims to keep your heart rate elevated around 50-70% of your maximum heart rate.

    C. Physiology and Cardiovascular Benefits:

    LISS primarily targets the aerobic energy system, improving cardiovascular endurance and efficiency. It trains your heart and lungs to work more efficiently over an extended period. LISS also aids in active recovery, reducing muscle soreness and promoting blood flow.

    Examples of LISS (cardio workouts):

    1) Brisk Walking: 

    Go for a 30-minute walk at a steady pace, maintaining a moderate intensity throughout.

    2) Steady-State Jogging: 

    steady-state jogging

    Set the treadmill to a comfortable jogging speed that you can sustain for a longer duration. Jog at a steady pace for 20-30 minutes or more, depending on your fitness level and goals.

    3) Power Walking: 

    Increase the speed on the treadmill to a faster walking pace. Engage your arms and maintain a brisk, purposeful stride for 30-45 minutes.

    3) Factors to Consider when Choosing

    Several factors should be considered when choosing between HIIT and LISS:

    A. Fitness Goals and Preferences:

    Consider your goals and preferences. Both HIIT and LISS can improve cardiovascular endurance and burn calories. However, if you seek strength and power development, HIIT may be a better fit.

    B. Current Fitness Level and Health Considerations:

    cardio workout

    Assess your fitness level and any health conditions. HIIT may not be suitable for beginners or individuals with certain health concerns. LISS provides a lower-impact option and can be more accessible.

    C. Variety and Personal Enjoyment:

    Consider the type of cardio workout you enjoy the most and what keeps you motivated. HIIT offers dynamic and challenging workouts, while LISS provides a more relaxed and consistent experience.

    Choosing the Right Cardio Workout:

    Cardio workout

    Both HIIT and LISS offer effective ways to improve cardiovascular fitness and achieve fitness goals. HIIT provides high-intensity intervals that challenge the cardiovascular system and promote muscle development. LISS focuses on steady-state endurance training and is accessible to individuals of different fitness levels. Incorporating a combination of both can yield optimal results. Ultimately, choose the cardio workout that aligns with your needs.

  • Are you looking to take your cardiovascular fitness to the next level? Treadmill interval training might just be the key to reaching new heights in your fitness journey. By incorporating high-intensity intervals into your treadmill workouts, you can push your limits, burn more calories, and improve your cardiovascular fitness.

    treadmill interval training

    In this blog, we’ll explore the benefits of Treadmill Interval Training and provide you with an effective interval workout routine to help you achieve your fitness goals.

    Understanding Treadmill Interval Training:

    Treadmill interval training involves alternating between periods of high-intensity exercise and recovery or rest periods. This type of training not only challenges your cardiovascular system but also boosts your metabolism and helps you burn calories more efficiently. 

    One of the key advantages of interval training is its ability to maximize calorie burning and improve cardiovascular fitness. The intense bursts of exercise elevate your heart rate and increase oxygen consumption, leading to a higher calorie burn both during and after the workout. This can contribute to weight loss and improved metabolic function.

    understanding treadmill interval training

    Another advantage of interval training is its time efficiency. With interval training, you can achieve significant fitness gains in a shorter amount of time compared to traditional steady-state cardio exercises. The high-intensity intervals allow you to work at a higher intensity, stimulating various physiological adaptations that promote fitness improvements.

    However, it’s important to note that interval training is demanding on the body and should be approached with caution, especially for beginners or individuals with certain health conditions. It’s recommended to start gradually and seek guidance from a qualified fitness professional to ensure proper technique and safety.

    Effective Treadmill Interval Training Routine :

    Before starting any high-intensity exercise program, it’s crucial to warm up adequately. Spend 5-10 minutes performing a light cardio activity such as jogging or brisk walking to prepare your body for the upcoming intensity. Once you’re warmed up, try the following treadmill interval workout routine:

    1. Warm-up: 

    warm-up before treadmill interval training

    Begin your treadmill interval training session with a 5-10 minute warm-up at a comfortable walking or light jogging pace. This helps increase blood flow to your muscles, raises your body temperature, and prepares your body for the upcoming workout.

    2. High-intensity interval: 

    high intensity treadmill interval training

    Once you’re warmed up, increase the treadmill speed or adjust the incline to a challenging level that pushes your cardiovascular system. This can be a fast run, a sprint, or even a hill climb, depending on your fitness level and goals. Maintain this high intensity for a specific duration, such as 1-3 minutes.

    3. Active recovery: 

    After completing the high-intensity interval, reduce the treadmill speed or adjust the incline to a lower level. This active recovery phase allows your heart rate to lower and gives your body a chance to catch its breath. Walk or jog at a comfortable pace for a specific duration, such as 1-2 minutes.

    4. Repeat: 

    Repeat the high-intensity interval and active recovery phase for a predetermined number of intervals. Start with 3-4 intervals and gradually increase the number as your fitness improves. Listen to your body and adjust the intensity and duration of intervals as needed.

    5. Cool-down: 

    cool down

    Once you have completed the desired number of intervals, finish your workout with a 5-10 minute cool-down period. Gradually decrease the treadmill speed to a comfortable walking pace. This helps bring your heart rate back to normal gradually and prevents dizziness or discomfort.

    Note: Adjust the interval duration and intensity based on your current fitness level. Beginners may start with shorter sprint intervals and longer recovery periods, gradually increasing the intensity and reducing the recovery time as they progress.

    Tips for a Successful Treadmill Interval Training:

    1. Start at an appropriate intensity: 

    Begin with intervals that challenge you but are still achievable. As you build your fitness, you can increase the intensity and duration of the high-intensity intervals.

    2. Focus on proper form: 

    appropriate intensity

    Maintain good posture, relax your shoulders, and engage your core while performing the intervals. This helps prevent injuries and maximizes the effectiveness of your workout.

    3. Monitor your heart rate:

    Consider using a heart rate monitor to ensure you’re hitting the desired intensity during the sprint intervals. This allows you to adjust your effort level accordingly.

    4. Gradual progression: 

    Over time, gradually increase the intensity and duration of your high-intensity intervals. However, always listen to your body and avoid overexertion. Progression should be gradual and sustainable.

    5. Recovery and rest: 

    recovery and rest

    Allow your body sufficient time to recover between interval training sessions. Adequate rest is essential for muscle repair and growth, preventing overuse injuries, and optimizing performance.

    Remember to consult with your healthcare provider before starting any new exercise program, especially if you have any underlying health conditions or concerns. They can provide personalized advice based on your specific needs and medical history.

    By staying consistent, listening to your body, and gradually progressing your treadmill interval training, you can enjoy the benefits of improved cardiovascular fitness, increased endurance, and overall cardiovascular health.

    Experience the Power of Treadmill Interval Training for Improved Endurance:

    treadmill interval training

    Treadmill Interval Training is an effective method to improve your cardiovascular fitness, burn calories, and challenge your limits. By incorporating high-intensity intervals into your treadmill workouts, you can achieve remarkable results in less time. Remember to warm up properly, adjust the intensity based on your fitness level, and gradually progress to more challenging intervals. Push yourself, but always prioritize safety and listen to your body. Get ready to elevate your cardiovascular fitness and achieve new milestones on the treadmill!

  • Are you tired of the same old treadmill routine? Boredom can quickly turn a once-exciting workout into a tiresome chore. But fear not! It’s time to inject some much-needed spice into your treadmill workouts.

    treadmill workouts at home

    Imagine looking forward to each session, breaking through plateaus, and achieving new milestones. With a few simple tweaks and creative ideas, you can transform your treadmill workouts from dull to dynamic. Get ready to rediscover the excitement and enjoyment of your workouts, paving the way for a healthier, happier you. Lace up your shoes, hop on that treadmill, and let’s dive into the exhilarating world of engaging workouts!

    Unleash the Excitement: 4 Effective Methods to Elevate Your Treadmill Workouts and Prevent Boredom 

    It’s time to revamp your workouts and instill some excitement into your treadmill sessions. By incorporating a variety of methods, you can keep yourself motivated and engaged. By experimenting with these methods, you can prevent boredom, stay motivated, and take your treadmill workouts to a whole new level.

    I. Set Goals and Track Progress

    Setting specific goals and tracking your progress is a powerful way to stay motivated. When you have a clear objective in mind, each session becomes purposeful and meaningful. Here’s how you can make goal-setting and progress-tracking work for you:

    A. Establish specific and achievable goals for your treadmill workouts:

    Whether it’s increasing your endurance, improving your speed, or reaching a certain distance, set goals that are challenging yet attainable. Make them measurable and time-bound to hold yourself accountable.

    a target dart

    B. Utilize fitness apps or trackers to monitor your progress and celebrate milestones:

    Embrace technology and use fitness apps or wearable trackers to record your workout data. These tools can track metrics like distance covered, calories burned, and pace. As you see your progress unfolding, celebrate the small victories along the way. Each milestone achieved will fuel your motivation and keep you engaged.

    As you inch closer to your targets, you’ll find yourself eagerly stepping onto the treadmill, excited to conquer each workout with a sense of purpose and accomplishment.

    II. Vary Your Speed and Incline During Your Treadmill Workouts

    Introducing variety by playing with speed and incline settings, not only keeps things interesting but also challenges your body in different ways, leading to improved fitness and enhanced calorie burning.

    A. Interval training: 

    Alternate between periods of high intensity and recovery. Incorporate short bursts of faster running or sprinting followed by slower-paced recovery intervals. For example, try running at a challenging speed for one minute, then slow down to a comfortable pace for two minutes to catch your breath. Repeat this pattern throughout your workout. Interval training keeps your heart rate elevated, burns more calories, and adds an exciting element of intensity.

    interval training at home

    B. Incorporate incline variations in your treadmill workouts: 

    Adjusting the incline on your treadmill simulates outdoor terrain and engages different muscle groups. Increase the incline to mimic uphill climbs, challenging your leg muscles and cardiovascular system. Likewise, decrease the incline for downhill simulations, providing a bit of relief and recovery. Experiment with different incline levels during your workout to keep your muscles guessing and add a new dimension to your routine.

    By incorporating speed and incline variations, you not only combat treadmill boredom but also improve your cardiovascular endurance, strengthen your leg muscles, and burn more calories. The constantly changing pace and challenge will keep you engaged and motivated, transforming your treadmill sessions into exhilarating workouts that push you closer to your fitness goals.

    III. Add Music and Entertainment

    Working out to a lively beat or engaging in entertainment can make your treadmill sessions more enjoyable and distract you from the monotony. Here’s how you can spice up your workouts with music and entertainment:

    A. Create energizing playlists: 

    Craft a playlist of your favorite upbeat songs that get you pumped up and motivated. Choose songs with a tempo that matches your desired pace, allowing you to synchronize your movements with the music. The right playlist can uplift your mood, provide a rhythm to follow, and make your workout fly by.

    enjoying music during treadmill workouts

    B. Watch TV shows, movies, or listen to podcasts:

    Transform your treadmill into an entertainment hub by placing it in front of a television or tablet. Catch up on your favorite TV shows, watch an exciting movie, or listen to podcasts that pique your interest. Immersing yourself in captivating content can make your workout time feel like an indulgent break while keeping you entertained and engaged.

    IV. Virtual Running Apps and Videos

    Escape the confines of your indoor treadmill and explore the world virtually with the help of running apps and videos. These immersive experiences bring outdoor landscapes and challenges right to your fingertips:

    A. Utilize virtual running apps: 

    Download virtual running apps that offer a variety of scenic routes and destinations. These apps use augmented reality or virtual reality technology to simulate outdoor running experiences. You can choose to run through bustling city streets, serene nature trails, or iconic landmarks, all from the comfort of your treadmill.

    operating VR gadgets during a home workout

    B. Follow guided virtual running videos: 

    Browse online platforms that offer guided virtual running videos. These videos provide visual and audio cues, taking you through real-life running routes captured by experienced runners. The changing scenery and accompanying instructions can transport you to different locations, making your treadmill workout feel like an outdoor adventure.

    These distractions not only alleviate boredom but also provide a source of motivation and enjoyment, helping you stay committed to your fitness routine.

    Remember to prioritize safety when using entertainment devices while running on a treadmill. Use secure holders or stands for your electronic devices and remain aware of your surroundings to avoid accidents.

    Conclusion: Embrace the Variety and Stay Motivated on Your Treadmill Workout Journey

    Boredom is a common challenge when it comes to treadmill workouts, but it doesn’t have to be a roadblock on your fitness journey. By incorporating these strategies to spice up your treadmill routine, you can maintain your motivation, make your workouts more enjoyable, and continue making progress toward your fitness goals.

    A woman doing yoga beside her dog

    Remember, the key is to experiment and find what works best for you. Mix and match these strategies, be creative, and embrace the opportunity to transform your treadmill workouts into exciting and fulfilling experiences.

    So, lace up your shoes, turn on some energizing tunes or captivating entertainment, and get ready to revolutionize your treadmill routine. Say goodbye to boredom, and hello to a rejuvenated, engaging, and effective fitness journey. Embrace the variety, stay motivated, and enjoy the benefits of a truly spiced-up treadmill workout routine.

  • How treadmill workouts can make you look aesthetically fit?

    Let’s face it: Jogging on a treadmill is one of the most tedious cardio exercises there is.

    But many of us frequently engage in such tedium activity, especially in the winter, and wish that time would somehow move more quickly.

    The treadmill is among the most widely used pieces of gym equipment, despite its reputation as a soul-gasping human hamster wheel.

    It is a useful training tool for both marathon runners and newbie joggers and it also helps you look aesthetically fit if done right.

    One of the best indoor cardiovascular exercises for improving metabolism long after the activity is complete and burning more calories.

    It is also a very versatile machine with a wide range of series.

    The treadmill may be used for more than simply interval sprints and endurance runs that get your muscles moving while also energizing you to get going.

    There’s an old phrase that says “you have to move differently if you want different things.”

    With that in mind, the activities listed below will further improve your physique and make you look more attractive.

    Note: Please exercise with the utmost caution while doing these complex movements!

    1. Weighted Walking Lunges On The treadmill
    Weighted Walking Lunges On The treadmill

    Grab a set of weights that weighs around 5 or 10 pounds and start walking slowly after setting the treadmill to a comfortable speed—we advise starting no faster than half your usual walking pace.

    Take a big step forward with your right foot while holding the dumbbells in each hand, then lower into a lunge while keeping the knee in line with the second toe.

    Returning to your starting posture, take a quick step forward with your left foot while lowering into the subsequent lunge. Lunges can be performed 10 to 15 times reputation to a series of 3 – 4 working sets.

    Concerned with the weights?

    Try modifying the walking lunge by placing your hands on your hips.

    1. Butt Kicks
    Butt Kicks

    Reposition yourself so that you are facing forward on the treadmill belt, and increase the speed just a little bit above your typical power-walking speed.

    As soon as you’re at ease, kick the right foot back as close to your buttocks as far as you can while concentrating on using your glute and hamstring muscles.

    Alternatively, continue with your left foot.

    Continue with alternating buttocks kick for 30 seconds while remaining light on your toes, maintaining a tall posture, and keeping your core tight.

    1. Side Shuffle
    Side Shuffle

    Face the right side of the treadmill with both feet on the belt and continue your modest walking speed.

    Slowly pick up the pace until it is just a bit faster than you normally walk.

    Use your left foot to take a step to the left.

    Quickly hop to the right foot, then quickly step to the left with the left foot.

    Once it is comfortable to maintain a constant side shuffle, slowly adjust the speed.

    Don’t worry if you feel a little behind because these will be slower than the side shuffles you would conduct across the gym floor.

    After 30 seconds, switch directions, slow down the belt to your normal walking pace, and then repeat.

    If you feel unstable, slow the speed to a walk and perform controlled side steps instead.

    1. High-Knee Skip

    Go from walking to skipping with the belt while maintaining your normal power-walking pace. Once you’ve settled into a comfortable tempo, speed things up: As you push off with the left foot and maintain a tall posture and tight core, drive your right knee towards your chest while jumping as high (and as controlled) as you can. Continually lower yourself and push off with your right foot while driving your left knee toward your chest. Alternate continuously for 30 seconds. Start by merely skipping if you’re not quite ready to get on a treadmill.

    1. Jump Squat

    Limit the speed of the treadmill belt to no more than half of your typical walking pace. At the front of the treadmill, bring both feet together. Immediately drop yourself into a squat position, keeping the knees securely behind the toes. Allow the treadmill’s belt to transport you to the back of the machine, then drive through your legs to leap forward before coming back to the front in the squatting posture. Continue until you have made 10 to 15 jumps. Reduce the treadmill’s pace if you feel the slightest bit unsteady.


    Additionally, experimenting with different routines, adhering to a diet, getting some fresh air, remaining hydrated, consuming a lot of fruits and vegetables, and lavishing yourself with attention will help you develop an attractive figure.

    Despite how hard you work, your body needs rest to recuperate and create new muscles.

    At that time, the major body is constructed.

  • Aerobic exercises like jogging or running are scientifically proven to reduce the risk of heart disease. People all around the world exactly know about the benefits of cardio exercises and are striving to take care of their healthy heart. That is how treadmills have become the most popular fitness equipment. 

    Treadmills are popular for a good reason. Firstly, they help you stay fit without stepping out of your home. Secondly, and most importantly, they are the best cardio equipment to improve your physical and mental health.

    The Top 5 Benefits of Treadmill Running for a Healthy Heart

    So as we shed light on the overwhelming condition of heart disease and how fitness equipment like treadmills can help you reduce the risks of such diseases and improve your heart health.

    Let’s understand why heart health is a major cause of concern.

    Heart health has been a cause of concern for several decades now. Research shows that heart disease or cardiovascular disease is the number 1 leading global cause of death. It is estimated that around 17.3 million people die due to heart disease. 

    Now more than ever it’s important to take care of your heart health for 2 reasons. 

    One is that the number of deaths and reports of heart disease is steadily increasing every year all around the world. The 2nd biggest reason is that the age at which heart diseases are reported is decreasing. In some cases, people even in their early 20s are dying due to heart attacks.

    The horrifying truth is that we Indians are at a high risk of heart disease compared to the rest of the world. The World Health Organisation (WHO) has reported around 36 lakh deaths due to cardiovascular diseases (CVD) in India. India’s age-standardized death rate is way higher than the global average. Come let’s also take a quick overview regarding which fitness equipment to choose from.

    Here’s one of the best treadmills in India: TDM-100M Semi-Auto Lubrication Multifunction Treadmill

    These statistics are emphasized to show the seriousness of heart health and taking proper care with a healthy lifestyle to avoid it. It is high time for us to start early and take control of our heart health by exercising.

    Running on a treadmill for Healthy heart

    As I mentioned earlier, cardio / aerobic exercises offer several health benefits. But, the most important benefit is helping you improve your heart health. The best cardio exercise equipment is a treadmill and here’s how treadmill workouts help you improve your heart health:

    1. Displays early symptoms of heart disease

    The most important reason for death due to heart disease is people missing out on the early symptoms of heart disease. Many people don’t realize that they are at a high risk of heart disease until things get out of hand. 

    Many of the early symptoms of high-risk heart disease are high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and other cardiovascular issues. As people lead a sedentary lifestyle where their heart is never put under pressure, it’s very difficult to identify these symptoms. 

    Displays early symptoms of heart disease by running

    When people start working out on a treadmill, these symptoms become apparent. When your heart is put under pressure with a workout, it starts to exhibit certain symptoms which would have gone unnoticed. 

    Checkout this treadmill to improve your heart health: TDA-360® 10.1inch HD Display Motorized Treadmill with Auto Incline

    High cholesterol levels and artery blockage symptoms can be identified with shortness of breath or pain in the chest with a workout that would have never been displayed. Identifying these early symptoms of heart disease can help you treat them effectively before it turns fatal.

    2. Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease

    Studies show that working out on a treadmill regularly helps you reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. These workouts not only minimize the risk of heart disease but also strengthen your heart muscles. 

    Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease by running

    It is suggested to maintain 150 minutes of moderate activity or 75 minutes of high activity on a treadmill every week can help you reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. It is also advised to maintain at least 20 – 30 minutes of activity to maintain a healthy heart.

    Here’s a treadmill for you: Play T2 Lite Installation Free Treadmill with Bluetooth Speaker

    By supporting a healthy blood flow, running on a treadmill helps prevent blood clots in arteries and blood vessels.

    3. Reduces stress & Enhances your heart health

    Stress is shown to increase blood pressure which causes severe issues to heart health. Running or walking on a treadmill for around 15-20 minutes is shown to reduce stress. This activity on the treadmill helps reduce cortisol levels in our blood and releases endorphins which regulate and reduce stress in our body and mind. 

     Reduces stress & Enhances your heart health

    Cardio exercises on a treadmill help you strengthen your heart muscles and reduce blood pressure.

    Checkout this treadmill for home use: TDA-125® Motorised Treadmill with Auto Lubrication

    4. Reduces hypertension & lowers your blood pressure

    Cardio exercises on a treadmill are a great way to lower the blood pressure in our bodies. This reduced blood pressure over a period of time helps you maintain a healthy heart. With high blood pressure, there is a high risk of heart attacks and other heart diseases.

    Though many medicines are currently available in the market for reducing blood pressure, it is important to take care of our health and reduce it naturally. Usually, a combination of treatment and workouts is a great way to tackle these problems

    Here’s a treadmill for you: Play T4 Lite Motorised Treadmill with Voice broadcast

    5. Controls cholesterol levels & prevents artery blockage

    High levels of cholesterol cause blockage of arteries and lead to several heart diseases which could turn fatal. Exercise, especially cardio on a treadmill, helps you reduce the cholesterol levels in your blood.

    Controls cholesterol levels & prevents artery blockage

    Many people must take cholesterol pills to keep their cholesterol levels in check. But, if we start early and follow a healthy lifestyle then it can be treated naturally. As cholesterol poses a high risk of heart disease, it is important to track and reduce body fat and cholesterol levels. This can be done with a treadmill. 

    Here are a few of the best  treadmills for you by PowerMax Fitness

    We hope this article helped you and has taken you a step closer to taking care of your heart health.

  • We all have a basic understanding of what a treadmill is.

    You switch it on, it starts moving, alters the pace, and stops. It is a good, easy, and efficient method for building muscle and simultaneously losing weight.

    But what if you could get more muscle and advance more quickly?

    The next advancement in fitness is a high-incline treadmill, it is not a simple gimmick.

    What are the advantages, though?

    Enhanced Cardio

    Your muscles cannot perform to their greatest potential if your cardiovascular system is weak.

    Your endurance will increase if your heart is robust.

    You can push yourself and advance your health by using the high-incline treadmill, which raises your heart rate even more than a regular treadmill does.

    Exceptional Muscle Toning

    Exceptional Muscle Toning treadmill

    Any gradient poses a greater physical challenge.

    A treadmill with steep inclination tones the muscles more quickly, enhancing gluteal, quadriceps, and hamstring strength.

    A higher incline burns calories five times faster and tones muscles for rapid fat reduction.


    You may do more than just jog thanks to the steep incline design, which also raises the level of effort.

    Exercise routines can include incline lunges, squats, high knees, side skips, and straight skips.

    Eliminates boredom

    Boredom can result from using a treadmill at home; there is no avoiding it.

    You can only look at your wallpaper’s pattern so much while running.

    An additional level of difficulty provides a new challenge while keeping a workout interesting and fun.

    Exercise routines will remain interesting if you have the option of pushing the incline as far as you can.

    Climbing Uphill in a Safe Environment

    Climbing Uphill in a Safe Environment treadmill

    Enjoy hiking? Although it is a fantastic way to maintain health and build muscle, uneven terrain and unreliable weather can quickly put a stop to things.

    By strengthening your leg muscles and getting ready for an outdoor hike, a high-incline treadmill will help you step outside and conquer any vast open space with more safety.

    Boosts Metabolism

    You are aware that incline walking aids in weight loss.

    The fact that it will rev up your metabolism and cause your body to burn more energy is one of the reasons.

    More HIIT-style high-intensity exercises can keep your metabolism going for hours after you finish the workout.

    The same is somewhat true of incline walking.

    When the body is regularly expending a lot of energy, it uses more of it.

    Because of this, some individuals find it difficult to lose weight when they just engage in physical activity once or twice per week.

    They haven’t had their body burn a lot of energy recently, thus their metabolism is still inactive.

    Muscle Recovery

    One of the best strategies to encourage muscle recovery is to use an inclined treadmill while performing leg day at the gym or high-intensity upper body exercises like bench presses. Repairing the damage from a high-intensity activity is essential for growing muscle.

    Your muscles will have expanded following this to accommodate the prior damage.

    Going directly to the car or sitting down anywhere after a workout is the worst thing you can do.

    Like how they need to be primed before a high-intensity activity, your muscles need to be gradually reintroduced to stillness.

    Your lower body will continue to be active while you walk on a flat surface, but uphill walking will keep considerably more of your body active.


    When combined with the ideal eating regimen and weight loss supplement, high-incline treadmill walking is a terrific approach to losing body fat.

    It is an aerobic activity that raises your heart rate and enhances blood circulation throughout the body.

    Incline treadmill walking is the ideal combination of cardio that works wonderfully as a warm-up or cool-down and will not exhaust you if you want a walking workout but do not have much outdoor area.

    Today, incorporate it into your training program for some advantageous health effects and improved muscle recovery.

    Keywords – cardio, muscle toning, high incline, aerobic, hiking, skips, improved, muscle recovery, walking.

  • Whether you’re looking to purchase a new treadmill or looking to update an existing one, knowing about which kind of motor to look for is vital to the success of your treadmill use. The motor is the main hub and carries the most weight mechanically. They vary in their abilities and capacities and are not all alike. It is essential to consider a few different variables with its motor before you make your treadmill purchase. Aside from the user, the motor does the most work in the treadmill. Poor quality motors are likely to overheat and require unnecessary repairs. The best way to check if your motor is a good quality motor is by checking the manufacturer warranty. A high-quality motor will have a longer warranty period and is a safer investment. When it comes down to the nuts and bolts of the matter, treadmill motors are not wholly difficult to understand. Treadmill motor energy is measured in horsepower (HP) and can be sorted into three different rating systems:


    1. Peak Duty: Generally the weakest. “Peak” stands for the peak horsepower that the treadmill will reach and no more.
    2. Treadmill Duty: In-between peak and continuous
    3. Continuous Duty: The highest rank. The number associated will describe how much power is maintained throughout the workout.


    While many motors will claim to be of identical horsepower, it is pertinent to note that every motor is not built the same. Cheaper prices mean that the product consists of poorly made parts and copper wire. Do not be swayed solely by low prices. A treadmill that originally cost MRP of INR 65000 or more is likely to possess a durable motor. Less expensive models are not likely to have a reliable motor installed.

    Consider the following:

    For walkers: 2.0 horsepower continuous duty motor will suffice
    For joggers: 2.5 horsepower continuous duty should be the minimum
    For runners: 3.0 horsepower continuous duty or higher
    Also note that if any of the users of the treadmill weigh over 110Kg (240 pounds), HP should be increased by 0.5 for proper support, no matter the fitness goals. This means the HP should be at least 2.5 HP for walkers, 3.0 for joggers, and 3.5 for runners. Such precaution will extend the life of your motor. As for sound, note that motors employing direct current (or known as DC) cause less noise compared to motors that use alternate current (also known as AC).

  • It’s obvious, commercial treadmills should have different features than standard residential treadmills because the needs are different. Most of these features are designed to make your life easier with less maintenance required and features that make these trainers super versatile.

    What is the Difference?

    These are high performance, heavy duty treadmills. They are used in health clubs, recreation centres, pro sports training rooms, and apartment/condo club houses, as well as hospitals and schools. They are the most expensive type of treadmill and are required to hold up against very high usage: many gyms are open 24/7 and the machines are constantly in use with a mix of light and heavy users.

    What to Look for in Commercial Treadmills?

    Home owners are getting in on the rush to buy a health club treadmill, which may or may not have a sibling model in the maker’s residential line. Whichever type you’re looking for, commercial, light commercial, or residential — we’ve put together a brief buyer’s guide to give you an idea of the desirable features to look for in a treadmill:


    Motor Horsepower

    A treadmill is only as good as its motor; the larger and heavier the motor, the longer the treadmill will last.
    Motorized treadmills have one motor that drives the belt and another (the lift motor) that raises and lowers the running bed to create an incline
    The transfer of power should feel smooth. You should not hear the motor. Most commercial treadmills come equipped with a large CHP (Continuous Horsepower) motor that will be self-cooling and run at lower RPMs. A larger motor (i.e., 3.5 – 4 CHP) will also provide a smoother ride.
    Many treadmill manufacturers advertise their motors’ power as “continuous horsepower” or CHP. This provides a better idea than does a simple horsepower rating, because it indicates the machine’s capability under conditions of regular use instead of its peak capability.


    Horsepower is the measurement of power of a treadmill motor; manufacturers use two measurements for horsepower : continuous and peak
    Continuous horsepower is how powerful a treadmill can continually operate without dropping off
    Peak horsepower is the maximum horsepower a treadmill can generate for a short period of time
    Since peak horsepower is usually significantly higher than a motor’s continuous capability, continuous horsepower better helps you determine which treadmill will accommodate your intended exercise use
    Generally speaking, the larger the motor the more powerful it can operate at a continuous rate
    Powermax Fitness recommend following continuous motor rating: Home treadmills have a Continuous horsepower between 1.5 – 2.5 HP (1100 – 1900 W), the light commercial running machines have 2.8 -3.0 HP (2100 – 2200 W) and the fully commercial treadmills are between 3.0 (2200 W) and 3.8 HP (2800 W)


    All treadmill make noise, but a reasonably quiet machine generally means less friction and wear on the treadmill. However, that does not mean that it is perfect either.


    These aren’t something most people think about but they are important for extending the life of the belt; that is, the larger the rollers, the less friction and tension, and the longer the tread belt will last.

    Generally speaking, rollers sized 60mm or larger are fine, but commercial treadmills usually come equipped with 80mm to 100mm rollers. Steel tapered rollers keep the belt centred to reduce maintenance and noise. The rollers need to have the proper bearings.

    Shock absorption and Deck

    Track cushioning helps to protect treadmill users’ joints from the impact of exercise. Compared with road running, cushioned treadmill running typically reduces impact by about 15%-40%. Cushioning is most important for runners, but it also reduces impact upon walkers’ bodies and thereby helps to improve their stamina. Furthermore, the more advanced running tracks have differential cushioning that supports the back foot and front foot differently; feet get more support as they push off the track, and they get more cushioning as they land.

    Heavy duty commercial treadmills are very high tech in terms of advanced cushioning and deck thickness. 25- 30mm thickness board composed of high density fibreboard core with phenolic laminate bonded and waxcoated decks offer the longest life: In addition, a commercial treadmill will have shock absorbers located in 6 different spots for better shock absorption to reduce stress on your joints by giving areas of the deck optimal amounts of underfoot cushioning and rigidity for the most comfort throughout your stride. Make sure the running deck has a shock absorption system with a minimum of 6 pads.

    Track Size

    Treadmill tracks vary in size from about 20″ – 24″ (510-610mm) wide and 54″ to 64″ (1370 -1625mm) long. Track length may not be of great importance to petite walkers, but it’s important to users who are tall and/or who take relatively long strides when running. Most walkers will be satisfied with a 20″ x 54″(510x1370mm)track.
    For commercial gym we recommend 22″ x 59″ (560-1500mm) deck so that tall people are covered. Track width might be important to larger runners and people who move their arms significantly when running. A standard comfortable track width for runners is 22″ (560mm)


    Belts that are 2-ply or 4-ply are thicker and more durable than those that are one-ply. Using a four-ply belt on your treadmill is the best bet. Thicker belts also tend to be quieter. Belt of 2.5mm to 3 mm thickness and multi-ply is recommended.

    We don’t recommend an orthopaedic belt since a good pair of running shoes provides all the cushioning you need. Also, orthos weigh more and put more strain on the rollers which shortens the life of the bearings. Using a four-ply belt on your treadmill is the best bet.


    The frames on commercial quality treadmills are welded (rather than assembled with nuts and bolts) and composed of high alloy steel or aircraft aluminium. They’ll come with lifetime warranties against any cracking or breakage. The machine should also allow for a max user weight of 159 Kg. (350 lbs)or


    One of the benefits of using inclination is that you will burn calories much quicker than when they train on a flat surface. Treadmill incline mimics walking or running up hills, making your workout more challenging, burning more calories and further increasing muscle tone.
    There are two types of inclination



    Manual incline means you change the incline yourself; this is usually offered in 4 different placements, such as 3% incline, 5% incline, 7% incline and 9% incline; treadmills with manual incline are less expensive than those with powered incline. Every time you use the treadmill you should manually adjust it to change the level.



    Use a motor that change the inclination for degree with a variation between 0-16% for home and light commercial use. The inclination on the fully commercial treadmill goes from 0 to 22%, depending of the machines you pick up.


    Treadmills have numerous benefits that can help improve the overall health of individuals.


    Treadmills are one of the most popular exercise machines in the fitness world due to the versatility of workouts, which can include both running and walking even in the midst of inclement weather. Additionally, treadmills can be used by exercisers of all fitness levels. Treadmills are commonly found in most gyms and are very popular for in-home gyms as well. There are many health benefits associated with using a treadmill from rehabilitation to improving cardiovascular health. There are also many types of treadmill workouts, which can be tailored to meet most fitness goals.Everyone knows how to use a treadmill–just get on and begin walking. What everyone does not know is how to plan a treadmill workout to suit a wide range of fitness goals. Regardless of whether you want to use the treadmill for fat loss, endurance gains or some measure of both, there is a treadmill work out for you.


    A treadmill is a machine that has a moving belt over a flat surface. The moving belt allows for exercisers to walk or run on a flat surface in an indoor environment. Treadmills can be manual or motorized. A manual treadmill has a belt that rotates over rollers as the body weight provides enough friction to move the belt. These treadmills are typically light-weight and inferior to the motorized treadmill. For the bestworkouts, motorized treadmills are highly recommended. However, they are significantly more expensive and take up more space.

    Motorized treadmills have a motor inside to rotate the belt over a deck. The motor can move the belt at various speeds. These treadmills can be raised to increase difficulty and provide additional challenging workouts. Additionally, motorized treadmills have an assortment of features like heart rate monitor, built-in TVs, pre-programmed routines, calorie counter and more.



    • Improve cardiovascular health.
    • Can increase bone density.
    • Increased muscle strength and flexibility.
    • Improved joint mobility.
    • Decreased stress levels.
    • Improved posture.
    • Decreased body fat levels.
    • Lower impact on the joints than running outdoors.
    • The weather is no longer a factor like it is when running outdoors.
    • Adjustable speeds for running or walking.
    • Adjustable incline to increase or decrease intensity.
    • Can be more entertaining if the treadmill has a built-in TV.
    • Can monitor heart rate levels.
    • Can monitor caloric expenditure.
    • Easier to monitor distance ran.
    • Easier to monitor progress.
    • Easier to make changes to workouts.
    • Easy to use.


    Treadmill is not a difficult piece of equipment to use, however, many exercisers use it incorrectly. Learning how to use the treadmill properly can help you get a safe and effective workout.

      • Get Familiar with the Treadmill’s Control Panel
        Ask for some basic instruction from a trainer at your gym, or read the instructions on the machine console before you turn it on. Most treadmills have the same features, including preset or manual workout selections, start and stop buttons, speed and incline adjustments and body weight input.
      • Know the Safety Features
        Learn where the emergency off switch is and test it. Typically, it is a large red button in the middle of the machine console.
      • Get a Handle on How Fast it Goes
        Before you jump on a treadmill for the first time, stand on the treadmill with your feet on the side rails (not the belt) before you start the machine. Select a manual program and increase the speed of the belt to about 2 to 3 MPH to begin.
      • Start Slowly
        To start walking on the treadmill, it’s often easiest for a beginner to hold on to the handrails and place one foot on the belt and “follow along” with the machine pace. When you are comfortable with the pace, step onto the belt, let go of the handrails, and walk normally.
      • Get to Walking
        Start by walking at a slow comfortable pace, such as 2 MPH. Keep your head up, and stay centered in the middle of the belt (not too far forward or back).
      • Find a Comfortable Pace
        Find a comfortable walking speed for you. Warm up by walking for a few minutes before increasing the pace.
      • Select a Program
        If you choose a preset program, the machine will take you through all the phases of warm up, exercise and cool down. This is a great way for a beginner to get comfortable on the machine.
      • Try Jogging and Running
        Once you are comfortable walking, you can start jogging and then running on the treadmill. This takes some practice. Getting on an off a moving treadmill can make you feel a bit dizzy the first few times, so be careful of this unexpected sensation.
      • Once You’re Comfortable, Don’t Hold On
        The biggest mistake treadmill users make is holding on to the handles while walking or running. Holding onto the treadmill creates a long list of problems for the exerciser, including:
        a) Decreased exercise intensity (burning fewer calories and reducing aerobic conditioning benefits)
        b) Compromised posture and body mechanics
        c) Increased risk of muscle strain
        d) Reduced coordination and balance
      • Use the Incline
        You can increase the incline to increase your exercise effort without increasing your pace. But, again, don’t hold on to the handrails. Holding on while the treadmill is inclined creates and even more compromised body position. When we walk up an incline, we naturally bend at the hips and knees as your body leans slightly forward; holding on to the handrails on an inclined treadmill actually forces your body to lean back.
      • Keep a Check on your stride
        Short and quick steps are effective if you want a good result. More the number of steps you run in a minute, more effective it is. This is a practice that professional runners follow. Make sure that at every stride the entire surface of your heel touches the belt on the treadmill. Making contact with your toes or only the upper part of your feet may cause strain in your legs and knees.
      • Stop the Treadmill
        There are a few ways to stop a moving treadmill:
        a) Decrease the speed (using the control panel) until the belt stops.
        b) Hit the big red stop button, which reduces the speed quickly.
        c) Hold on, step onto the sides, and turn off the machine.

    The first two methods are recommended for novice treadmill users; the last method takes some coordination and practice.



    • Try varying your exercise program (treadmills can get boring).
    • Listen to your favourite music or make a deal with yourself that you can only watch your favourite show (DVD box sets work great here) while you are on your treadmill.
    • Don’t put the treadmill in “that dark back bedroom” that you hate to go into (or–if you must–clean it, paint it and let in some light…and a TV/stereo!
    • To burn even more calories and get some variation in your routine, alter the incline settings every 2 minutes to go up 3%. For example 0:00=1%, 2:00=3% 4:00=6%, etc… Keep going until you get to around 12-15% And hold it until you feel ready to come back down. Then repeat the sequence coming down in percentage. presto! Instant hill.
    • Don’t do it every day. You’ll be sure to lose interest and it won’t make working out a fun thing to do. Do it every other day or 3 times a week.
      a) Decreased exercise intensity (burning fewer calories and reducing aerobic conditioning benefits)
      b) Compromised posture and body mechanics
      c) Increased risk of muscle strain
      d) Reduced coordination and balance 1) Reduced proprioception (the ability to naturally sense and adjust your position in space)